The site operator is responsible for the content of this website. The site operator is
FIDICA GmbH & Co. KG, based in: Hösbach
Address and Contact Information
Frohnradstraße 7-9
63768 Hösbach
Phone: +49 (0) 6021 40438-0
Fax: +49 (0) 6021 40438-99
District Court
Registry Court Aschaffenburg - HRA 4909
VAT registration number: DE 270 063 781
General Partner
FIDICA Verwaltungs GmbH, District Court – Registry Court
Aschaffenburg - HRB1102
Executive Directors
Alexander Eigl
Christian Ziegler
Our Office Hours
Mon.-Thur.: 07:30am - 4:00pm
Fri.: 07:30am – 2:00pm
Liability Disclaimer
Liability for Content
The content of our sites has been created with utmost care. We cannot, however, assume responsibility for them being accurate, complete and up to date.
According to § 7 (1) German Teleservices Act (TMG), we as a service provider are responsible for our content on these sites according to general law. According to §§ 8 through 10 TMG, we as a service provider are however not obliged to monitor transferred or stored external data or investigate circumstances hinting at illegal activity. Obligations to erase or block the use of information according to general law remain unaffected. Responsibility regarding such circumstances, however, can only be assumed from the time of awareness of a concrete statutory violation. Upon becoming aware of such violations, we will remove these contents immediately.
Liability for Links
Our offer contains links leading to third-party websites whose contents are beyond our influence. Therefore, we cannot assume responsibility for such external content. The respective provider or operator of a website is responsible for content on linked websites. The linked websites were assessed regarding statutory violations at the time of being linked. No unlawful content was detected at the time of being linked. However, a continuous content assessment of the linked websites is not reasonable without concrete indication of a statutory violation. Upon becoming aware of statutory violations, we will remove the relevant links immediately.
The content created by the website operator and the works on these sites are subject to German copyright law. The replication, editing, distribution and any other kind of use beyond what is permitted under copyright requires written permission from the author or creator. Downloads and copies of this website are only permitted for private, non-commercial use. Contents on this website not created by the operator are subject to the copyright of third parties. Particularly, contents of third parties are marked as such. Please inform us if you notice a violation of copyright regardless. Upon becoming aware of such statutory violations, we will remove these contents immediately.
Our generally accessible website is usually usable without supplying personal information. Should you be interested in one of our offers or wish to otherwise contact us via the internet, providing requested information is your personal decision in all cases. However, we can only process contacts, inquiries, orders etc. further where such fields requesting personal information have been filled out.
Your information provided in input fields may be stored for business objectives. Authorised access to this information is possible for people assisting us with customer support and management. Any information provided by you will be used within our expert office and companies associated with us.
Service providers who we transfer information to or who upload webpages for us are also bound by the Federal Data Protection Law (BDSG) and other legal regulations. If obliged by law or judicial decree, we will transfer your information to the respective authorities.
If you have provided us with personal information, you may have it erased. To do so, we require your instruction. We must note, however, that information for billing and accounting purposes as well as proof otherwise required from us are not subject to termination or deletion.
Minors under the age of 18 should not provide us with personal information without their parents‘ or legal guardian’s consent. We do not ask for personal information from children and do not collect such information. However, we cannot prevent storing information from such individuals if we are not sufficiently and correctly informed about it.
We would like to point out that data transfer via the internet (e.g. communication via email) may be subject to security breaches. Complete protection of information from access by third parties is not possible. We hereby expressly object to the use of contact information published in accordance with the imprint obligations by third parties for the transmittal of advertisement and information material not explicitly requested. In case of unrequested transmittal of advertising information, e.g. via spam emails, we expressly reserve the right to take legal action.